Leadership development


As organizations prepare to compete in today’s ever-changing and challenging environment, they understand leadership is the most important theme in business training. Take a moment to think about the word “leadership.” What does it mean to you?

For our company, it’s a rich and significant word. It stirs up a sense of idealism, excitement, hope, and courage — a word that inspires us to be our best. We normally associate leadership with the most influential people in history. However, it also conjurs up memories of family members, teachers, coaches, and mentors who influenced us to reach our full potential.

When Leadership Delta builds up leaders in an organization we focus on:

  • Understanding the five practices of the world's greatest leaders.

  • Creating a clear and compelling vision of the future.

  • Finding an appropriate balance between the five major leadership roles (technician, manager, trailblazer, architect, and coach).

  • Empowering others to bring out their best.

  • Organizing and managing priorities.

The most important factors for sustaining long-term success is understanding that:

  • Leaders have the power to make things happen and influence the organization.

  • Leaders are responsible for all of the factors (understanding customers and markets, developing a strategy, etc.).

  • Leaders provide the vision, inspiration, and direction to attract and motivate others to success.

  • Leaders create the infrastructure that helps an organization succeed.