Team Development
Solid teams are the foundation of High Performance Organizations, and developing those teams takes serious effort and consistent discipline. Team development requires hard work but is extremely rewarding for those willing to pay the price. Leadership Delta builds groups into High Performing teams by helping them develop each of the fundamental building blocks of a solid team, one step at a time.
Team members need to develop a team charter, meeting norms, processes, roles, goals, measures, and action plans. Most teams find the challenge of directed development exhilarating and empowering.
They also discover that working together and making joint decisions and commitments helps them understand each other better, respect each other more, and become a closer and more focused team.
Once there is a team charter, the challenge is to close the gap between where the team is now and what it wants to accomplish and become in the future. We know that as teams apply and follow step-by-step with the team-building blocks found in this program, they will find the strength and resources to achieve their charter and goals.
They'll know they're a High Performing Team when they can:
Raise their goals to meet new business demands.
Successfully identify and eliminate their biggest problems and obstacles.
Effectively develop and implement action plans to reach those goals.
We believe teams that follow these principles can make great strides toward becoming a High Performance Team if they learn how to use the tools effectively and put their heart and soul into the challenges this program presents.