Being intentional from an emotionally intelligent mindset

Intention is defined as a determination to act in a certain way. When you are intentional, you have a clear purpose and a strong structure. You are present and committed to putting action behind your thoughts and words, resulting in better relationships in business and life. Having intention in the workplace is to be a leader who creates change and sets the tone for everyone.

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Laura BoydComment
Creating a Culture of Belonging

In the fairly recent past, it was normal to have one or two jobs for an entire career and to live in one or two cities for your whole life. The norms are changing. It’s now common to have ten or more jobs in a career, to live in a dozen different cities or even different countries. You’ll find people who are dentists by day and musicians by night. The next generation might be the most diverse, in a variety of ways, that we’ve ever seen.

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Laura Boyd Comments
Prioritize What Matters Before Making a Change

What a hectic eighteen months we’ve been through. Our lives were turned upside down, so it’s easy to see how our priorities might be all shuffled up as well. Now we’re starting to see some sense of “normalcy” returning and people are starting to redefine success. It’s being called “The Great Resignation” or even "Great Awakening" as about 4 million people decided to quit their jobs in April alone. Burnout is the reason for quitting in many of these cases but people aren’t just switching employers, many of them are switching industries altogether. They are re-evaluating what is important and what they want in their careers. They are reorganizing their priorities.

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Laura BoydComment
Managing Workplace Burnout

Technology seems to have an ever-increasing role in the workplace. More and more of what we do can be automated, so one would think that workplace burnout would be steadily decreasing. That is not the case. Burnout at work is just as much of an issue today as it has ever been. As leaders, we’ve got to find ways to manage that burnout in ourselves and in our employees/coworkers.

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Laura BoydComment
Patience and Leadership in Our Current World

Patience is more than a virtue. It is an art. And like all other art forms, it takes practice, and a willingness to allow it to adapt as our lives and circumstances change to reap the benefits. As a leader, you are likely familiar with the importance of patience with your employees, colleagues, and resources.

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Laura BoydComment
How to Make the Most of Your New Year

Every January 1st, people all over the world see the new year as a symbolic fresh start and as an opportunity to make the most of a new beginning. Given the events of the year that just ended, this positive mindset seems more urgent than ever. However, while the events of 2020 are still very much with us and will likely linger for much longer, you can still have your most successful, productive, and positive year yet.

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Laura BoydComment
How to Ask for What You Need at Work

For many people, especially women, people of color, and LGBTQ+, asking for something can feel risky and intimidating. We often tell ourselves that we should just be happy with what we have. It’s a problem that, when you boil it down, reveals that we often don’t think we deserve what we want or need.

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Laura BoydComment
Use Your Resources to Sweat the Small Stuff

Time, attention, and energy are our most valuable currencies. They are all scarce and must be protected, even in the best of times. However, with the state of the world what it currently is, there are more demands on these vital resources than ever before. So, what’s a leader to do, especially when she has so many other pressing concerns, such as family, home, and self-care?

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Laura Boyd Comment
Leadership Management in a Changing World

We are in a moment of massive change. No part of everyday life is as it was even six months ago. As a result, the ways we interact have also changed, not just in maintaining a distance of six feet from one another and wearing a mask to keep our communities safe. Increasingly, managers and team leaders are realizing that videoconferences are here to stay. Many are wondering how to continue leading effectively and inclusively in this new work situation.

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Laura BoydComment
Self-Awareness: Your Path to Success, In and Out of the Office

Self-awareness is the key to personal growth as well as the foundation of high emotional intelligence, which is the ability to be aware of, control, and appropriately express emotions. Self-awareness is all about knowing ourselves, our personality, and, most crucially, our weaknesses. Together, these two skills allow us to handle interpersonal relationships of all kinds with empathy and integrity.

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Laura Boyd Comments
Secure Your Own Mask First: Why Self Care is More Important Than Ever

A recent Gallup poll revealed the sobering fact that nearly two out of every three workers feel burned out. Burnout is very real and very dangerous. And although many of us are well acquainted with the risk of burning out while juggling work and childcare, doing so in our new and challenging reality of living through a global pandemic puts us at an increased risk of burnout. Collectively and as individuals, self-care is now more critical than ever for leaders.

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Laura BoydComment
When You Ask a Question - Give Them Time to Respond

As a leader, it's easy to assume that it's up to you to make the right decisions, to give practical instructions, and to generally make sure that things are running smoothly. While those roles are undoubtedly part of your job description, the most effective leaders know that there is one skill that must be done exceptionally well: asking questions. However, it doesn't end there.

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Laura BoydComment